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LMS best practices

How to create an effective online training plan

The Koors blog


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How to create an effective online training plan

Creating an online training plan may seem like a daunting task, but by following a few structured steps, you can design an engaging and effective program for your learners. Whether you are an experienced trainer or a novice in the field, this article will guide you through the process of creating a successful online training plan. Here's how to do it:


1. Find a theme

The first step is choosing a relevant and interesting topic for your online training. Identify current trends and the needs of your field to propose a theme that will appeal to your target audience. It is also crucial to fully master the subject of your training, because without solid expertise, your course will not be effective and will not provide added value to your learners.

2. Choosing the subject of the online training

Once the theme is found, refine it into a specific topic. Your subject should be specific, clear and meet a need or solve a concrete problem for your learners.

3. Identify your target

Knowing your target audience is crucial in order to adapt the content of your training to their needs and expectations. Define the demographics, interests, and skill levels of your potential learners.

4. Validate your online training ideas

Before developing your training, validate your ideas with your target audience. Use surveys, quizzes, or discussions to gather feedback and suggestions, and make sure your topic actually meets a request.

5. Determining the goals of online training

Set clear and measurable goals for your training. These goals should describe what your learners will be able to do after taking your course. Make sure that each objective is achievable and relevant to the subject of your training.

6. Define the format of online training

Choose the most suitable format for your online training. This can include videos, webinars, interactive modules, quizzes, online discussions, etc. The format should be chosen based on the preferences of your target audience and the content you want to deliver.

7. Organize online training content

Visualize the transformation of your learners

Before diving into the details, it's essential to visualize your learners' journey from their starting point to their end goal. This transformation will guide the structure of your training.

Define the main sections

Each section of your training should focus on developing a specific skill. The lessons within each section should reinforce each other, helping learners make consistent progress.

Structure of the introduction of each section

  • Overview of the section : Quickly outline what the section will cover.
  • Importance of learning : Explain why learning these skills is critical. Use stories to make the subject more engaging.
  • Objectives of the section : Describe where the learners are at the beginning of the section and where you want them to be at the end.
  • Prerequisites and tools needed : Help learners prepare by specifying what they need to know and what tools they will need.
  • Managing expectations : Clarify what learners can expect from the section, being realistic and encouraging.

8. Define the lessons of your training

Divide each section into separate lessons

To keep learners interested, each lesson should focus on a single major concept or idea. Short lessons are generally more effective than long sessions.

Structure of each lesson

  • Lesson introduction: Introduce the subject of the lesson.
  • Managing expectations : Explain what learners can expect from the lesson, using examples to illustrate.
  • The what : Describe the concept or main idea of the lesson.
  • The why : Explain the importance of this concept and why it is being taught at this particular time.
  • The how : Show how to apply this concept (tutorials, demonstrations, etc.).
  • Examples : Provide a variety of examples to illustrate the concept in different contexts.
  • Mistakes to avoid : Warn about common mistakes and their consequences.
  • Conclusion and summary : Summarize the key points of the lesson.

9. Add practical steps to each lesson

Encourage practical application

The best way to ensure knowledge retention and application is to ask learners to take action. Each lesson should end with a practical activity.


Examples of practical activities

  • See additional resources: Encourage learners to deepen their understanding with additional reading.
  • Applying skills : Suggest tasks or assignments to apply the new skills.
  • Complete quizzes : Use quizzes to check comprehension and reinforce learning.
  • Answer questions : Ask learners to answer open-ended questions to internalize new knowledge.
  • Sharing progress : Encourage learners to share their progress with the community to encourage collaborative learning.

Integration of action and learning stages

With a platform like Koors, you can easily incorporate these practical steps into your lessons. Learners can thus progress in a structured way, while having regular opportunities to put what they have learned into practice.

10. Selecting the right learning platform

Choosing the right LMS platform is essential for the success of your training. The platform should offer the functionalities needed to create, manage, and monitor your courses, while being accessible and user-friendly for your learners.


11. Promote your online training

Once your course has been created, it is crucial to promote it effectively. Use social media, email marketing, blogs, and other communication channels to attract potential learners. Highlight the benefits of your training and the results that learners can expect.


By following these steps, you will be in a position to create an effective and engaging online training plan. To go further, do not hesitate to consult our general guide to Koors, available free of charge on our Koors site.

Good luck creating your online courses!

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